
More Impact AG
Mör­fel­der Land­stra­ße 277 b
60598 Frank­furt

Tel: +49 69 38076661
Fax: 069-94519891
Mail: info@​moreimpactag.​de

Exe­cu­ti­ve Board: Kai Uwe Doh­ne
Chair­man of the Super­vi­so­ry Board: Die­ter Sacher

Regis­tered office of the com­pa­ny: Frank­furt am Main
Regis­ter Court: Amts­ge­richt Frank­furt am Main – HRB 134623
Legal Enti­ty Iden­ti­fier (LEI): 529900Q0OR2CA082QN74

Lia­bi­li­ty noti­ce:
Despi­te careful con­trol of the con­tent, we assu­me no lia­bi­li­ty for the con­tent of exter­nal links.
The ope­ra­tors of the lin­ked pages are sole­ly respon­si­ble for their con­tent.